Crabs with Spinach in Coconut Milk and Basmati Rice


Cooking in stove top medium to high; Cooking time - 45 minutes


2 bags rock crab legs (approximately 5 to 6 pounds)

I bag fresh spinach

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/3 green pastonade

1 teaspoon vegetable oil

I canned coconut milk 

or 1 packet powdered coconut (to your preference)


1 cup basmati rice

1 ¾ cup water

1/3 teaspoon salt.


Wash the crabs in cold water.

Add the oil in a large pot and let heat

Combine the crabs, green pastonade and the salt in the pot.

Mix all the ingredients around in the pot and keep on medium heat.

Blend the spinach in water and add the mixture in the pot with the crabs. 

(pulse the blender to maintain a rough consistency for the spinach)

Mix the coconut milk to the crabs and spinach.

If using powdered coconut mixture, mix its contents in some water then add mixture to the crabs.

Boil for 3 more minutes until the water starts evaporating.

Reduce the heat to medium and boit for 2 - 5 minutes until the mixture is thick enough to cover the rice.

Taste for salt.

Cooking rice.

Add one cup of rice in a bowl of water.

Rinse off the rice until the water runs clear.

Bring a saucepan of water and the salt to a boil.

Add the rice to the boiling water and reduce the heat to low heat.

Tightly cover the pot with the lid and boil for 25 minutes. (Low Heat)

Turn off the stove and fluff the rice with a fork.

Serve to your satisfaction...Add some Dekkade Passionfruit Punch!



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Succulent Juicy Shrimp Salad